Why explore eczema alone? Eczema HQ can help.
The eczema itch can lead to scratching and keep coming back. That’s why we’re here to discuss what’s really going on underneath the skin.
Gain a deeper understanding of the available eczema treatment options and why you should talk to a doctor about them.
See what happens when you bring four people with eczema together to guess secret eczema words.
Watch as four real people with eczema—including one dermatologist—put their eczema knowledge to the test, Eczema HQ style.
Our guests open up about living with eczema plus working with their doctors—and dermatologist Dr. Serrao can relate. He’s a lifelong eczema sufferer, and he’s here to share his expert opinion.
The eczema itch can lead to scratching and keep coming back. That’s why we’re here to discuss what’s really going on underneath the skin.
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See the big, itchy picture
Check out what we designed to help you better understand the impact of your eczema.

Doctor Discussion Guide
Partnering with your doctor to manage your eczema is important—and the more you can share about your symptoms and flare-ups, the stronger that partnership can be. Use this guide to make your visit even more impactful.