Searching for eczema (atopic dermatitis) treatment options?

Whether you’ve tried multiple treatments or none, whether you’ve lived with eczema for a while or you’re newly diagnosed, it’s important to understand your treatment options so you can talk about them with your doctor.

Let’s meet some eczema (atopic dermatitis) treatments

There are many aspects of creating an eczema treatment plan and learning about effective

is part of that. But when it comes to prescription treatments, there’s a lot to keep track of, including the current treatments. From topicals (creams or ointments), to injections, to pills, we'll help you discover as much as you can so you can talk to your doctor about what you’ve learned. Your doctor will work with you to determine an appropriate treatment plan for you.

Treatment double-feature: Reactive and proactive

Maybe you’ve heard about reactive and proactive approaches to treatment before, and maybe you haven’t. Either way, we’re going to help you understand what they are, and how they may help control your eczema in different ways. The Eczema HQ Team is on the job.

Reactive: A short-term, as-needed approach to care that addresses times when new symptoms appear and times when you experience flare-ups. Using a reactive approach is when you treat your eczema when you notice symptoms, inflammation, or a flare-up appears.

Proactive: A long-term, continuous approach to care that addresses the chronic—defined as persistent, recurring, and long-lasting—nature of eczema. Using a proactive approach is more scheduled, and helps to steadily target overactive inflammation.

The Takeaway: While neither treatment approach is better, both can be useful, and they can also be used in combination with each other. The only way to know what is right for you is to discuss treatment options, and your treatment goals, with your doctor.